UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.


Saturday Speedlinks: 11/17/2007

• At Digital ProTalk, David Ziser forces his poor backlight to do the work of two flashes for no extra pay.

• The F Stop Mag has a new piece out, which includes a great interview with high-end shooter Pier Nicola D'Amico.

• Ninedays Blog posts about how to dye the previously mentioned cheapo Home Depot canvas backdrops.

• Oldie, but new to me: Guy goes to a Halloween party dressed as a whole pack of paparazzi. Awesome creativity. (Found from people musing in the comments about how to turn 8 disposable flash cams into a ring light...)

• Patience is a virtue. For those of you who have been pining for the RAW-shootin', very flash-friendly 12MP Canon G9, Amazon has them for $443, with free shipping and a free 2 gig SD card. If you take the plunge, use the coupon code "7ACBUY5F" at checkout, and have the card linked on the G9 page already in your shopping cart.

I'm all over that one. (Expires Dec. 3rd.)



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My current project: The Traveling Photograher's Manifesto
