UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.


SM DV Remotes -- Anyone Know Anything?

Alert Reader Gord H. emailed me to tell me about it after coming across a set.

This is the first I am hearing of them, so I do not have anything more about them except Gord's email and info from the website. They look interesting, although some of the website info alludes to a 1/180th of a sec max sync speed, which could be an issue.

Says Gord:
"I played with them at the local camera shop during a lighting seminar. Seemed to worked just fine and didn't notice any misses. Range was good as well.

Price wasn't bad. And with several options, seems like the eBay slaves on steroids with much butter build quality as well."

They apparently wanna make remotes so bad, they are willing to get violent about it. The company is HQ'd in Korea. From the multilingual website, whose English is much better than my Korean:
"Many times, our clients have the need for products that simply do not exit. To us, that is a call to arms. We enjoy the challenge of taking a simple concept and adding the right features to create real value for you."

Damn straight. Them's my kinda guys. Anyone with more info about them (like, uh, maybe where to buy a set to test) pipe up in the comments.

:: SM-Development ::

UPDATE: Apparently some of you guys have actually seen these locally and reported on them in a Flickr thread in August, which I totally missed...



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