Okay, So I'm a Little Addicted to This Thing…
Who's the creepy bald dude with the soulless eyes staring out at you right now? He's a computer rendering that I lit on the web-based Virtual Lighting Studio.
Yeah, he may look a little like a mass murderer. But he's your mass murderer, to light any way you like by playing with knobs and buttons at VLS.
On the one hand, I just blew 20 mins playing with this thing. On the other, pretty sure this guy is gonna kill me in my dreams tonight.
Yeah, he may look a little like a mass murderer. But he's your mass murderer, to light any way you like by playing with knobs and buttons at VLS.
On the one hand, I just blew 20 mins playing with this thing. On the other, pretty sure this guy is gonna kill me in my dreams tonight.
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My current project: The Traveling Photograher's Manifesto

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