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Greg Heisler BTS: Bono/Gates for Time

This video marks the last of Profoto's Greg Heisler BTS series.

In today's BTS, Heisler does some pretty cool problem-solving before the fact only to get blind-sided with the bison head on the day of the lightning-paced shoot.

Yeah, I said bison head. No, actually Heisler said that…


As you know from his previous BTS videos, Heisler is s stickler for detailed pre-prep. But here's some color not included in this video that may add a little perspective.

This was shot in a hotel ballroom in Omaha, as U2 were performing there at the time. Bill and Melinda Gates flew in specifically for the photo. Heisler would have 45 minutes (no pressure there) to shoot a total of SEVEN completely different setups.

(Okay, pressure. Like, a lot.)

So naturally he has this thing pre-planned to the nines (love the tele-tilt-shift solution) and is set to go in the ballroom with seven separate pre-lit mini-studios. As one does.

Pretty cranked already, right? And then the double curve ball of Bono being short and bison-headed. With respect to the bison head, Heisler has commented elsewhere that with Bono in front, it looked like Bill and Melinda were standing in the next room, their heads were so small.

Seriously, can the guy hit a curve or what?

Lighting-wise, this is a typically interesting Heisler setup. The warmed-dish rim light is sort of the key, the soft box in the normal key position is almost more of a fill and the bottom strip light is doing a lot of the heavy lifting on their faces.

It's centered on Bono's face, and creates completely different looks between Bill and Melinda Gates because of their locations relative to the light. The overall effect is both unusual and heroic.

I hope you guys have enjoyed the Heisler video series. Big ups to Profoto for producing them. And if you are in the US and have not entered to win the double D1 monobloc location kit, time is running out.

And lastly, a scheduling note. I will be away from reliable internet (even mobile phones) for a couple of days. So please excuse the slow comment moderation. Thanks, DH.


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