UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.



I try to keep on topic to the main idea of this site, but sometimes things get a little … tangential. Sometimes it is a broader issue. Or a practical joke. And sometimes you just need to vent, you know?

The below are just as likely to be deep thoughts as they are the product of the sense of humor of a 12-yr-old. The only thing that ties this thread together is that nothing really ties it together.

Articles open in a new tab, for ease of multiple-post browsing.

Should You Spend Your Money on Light or Glass?
Learning to See the Flash
When Are You Going to Learn?
Straddling Between Genius and Insanity
Strive For Layers of Interest
Channel Your Historical Mentors
The Lighting Journey: Where Are You?
DIY Darwin Award
Fun With PocketWizards
On Leaving The Baltimore Sun
Our Photos, Ourselves
Who Are Your Photos Really For?
Overclock Your Speedlight For More Power
A Father's Day Reminder to Shoot Your Kids
A Visit From THE MAN
Four Reasons to Consider Working For Free
Building a Better Mousetrap
The Photo Biz: Stepping Outside the Box
Shedding Light in the Gender Gap
Twenty Questions
Five Things Music Can Teach Us About Lighting
An April First Strike Against the Spammers
Genius or Insanity? Round Two
It's Time for the PC Jack to Die
In Which a Commenter Gets His Soap Box
Mini-Rant: Screw the Critics
What China Doesn't (Yet) Understand
Managing Your Funnels
The Perils of Sidewalk Art
Seven Words to Expect
Dealing With the Police When Photographing
Imitate, Then Innovate
Thinking Out Loud: On Creativity
Let's Talk About Knockoffs
Always Bring a Model Release
Sara Lando: On Being Photographed
What to Shoot? Keeping an Idea List
"Why Does This Look Bad?"
How We Got Here: Analog Photoshop
Will Your Flash Last Forever?
Traveling Light
Chasing Light in Cuba
'Dr. Who' is Basically a Lighting School
Your Realtor Would Like Some Free Photos, Please
Low Frequency, High Amplitude
We All Screw Up. Don't Worry About It.
Why I Moved Comments to Twitter
Opportunity Knocks


New to Strobist? Start here | Or jump right to Lighting 101
Got a question? Hit me on Twitter: @Strobist
My current project: The Traveling Photograher's Manifesto
