UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.


Strobist's Page-a-Links

This resouce links page will quickly grow, I hope. Coming soon, Strobist's Lighting Gear links. We'll post a note out front whenever new sites are added. All external links will open in new window.

Other Photo/Lighting Sites

dpreview.com - All things digital camera. As in everything.
dg28.com - British shooter Neil Turner's wonderful lighting diary
Dave Black's site - Required reading if you use SB-800's
A Photographer's Sketchbook - Notes on lighting and gear
Planet Neil - A different Neil. Learn how to use on-camera flash.
EOS Flash Information - Exhaustive, three-part tutorial.
Nikon SB-800 Page - Good resource page for the Rolls Royce of Nikon Fla$he$.

Photographer's Sites

Gregory Heisler - IMO, the best there is at designing elegant (and appropriate) light for a photograph. Not to be missed.
Joe McNally uses Nikon SB's on many of his high-end shoots.
Ami Vitale - Wonderful website by an elegant and sensitive photojournalist
David Burnett - Gets the photos no one else does
Steve Liss - Frequent Time Magazine shooter
Walter Iooss, Jr. - Legendary sports photographer
Mark Seliger - Iconic Rolling Stone Magazine portraitist
Damon Winter - Stunning editorial portraiture
Dan Eldon - A journey inside the mind of a Reuters shooter. Not to be missed.
James Nachtwey - The world's premier war and conflict shooter
Vincent Laforet - A one-man force of nature
Clint Clemens - Journalistic-style, high-end commercial shooter


Magnum - The much-storied photog-run agency
VII - This generation's answer to Magnum

Art/Misc Photo Blogs

Chromasia - British photographer's elegant showcase
A Walk Through Durham Township - Absolutely lovely
The Online Photographer - Eclectic, high quality photo blog
Daily Dose of Imagery
Daily Photography
John Washington
Blue Hour
Photoblogs.org - Need more? 16,000 and counting, here.

Photojournalism Sites

Digital Journalist - Great stuff. Don't miss Bill Pierce's columns.
Sports Shooter - Where sports pro's (and wannabes) hang out.
Rob Galbraith - Pro site for digital camera discussion
World Press Photos - International yearly competition site
Reportage - The online magazine of photojournalism

New! Reader Guest Book and Links Page

Guest Book and Reader Links - Let us know who you are!

Photojournalism College Programs

University of Florida
Western Kentucky

Non-Photo Blogs

TreeHugger - If you are not already green, this site will turn you.
Gizmodo - Uber Gadget Blog
Orbitcast - All things satellite radio (XM Satellite Radio rocks)
Lifehacker - Just like it sounds: How to do stuff

My Paper

The Baltimore Sun - A fresh batch of 1's and 0's for the web every day


New to Strobist? Start here | Or jump right to Lighting 101
My new book: The Traveling Photograher's Manifesto
