Still on Vacation, But Watching Those Headshots Roll In...

Seeing some real nice stuff popping up for the Boot Camp headshots. Hard as it is, I am doing my best to stay away from the computer while on vacation. I'll be back in full swing come Tuesday, June 27th - just in time to drop the hammer for the June 28th headshot deadline.

That said, I got lots of "eye rolls" for reading the Raw Conversion book instead of a beach novel. But it was very good and I think I enjoyed it just as much as whatever John Grisham or Dan Brown has out for the summer. I am glad to see such a multi-lateral discussion springing up in the comments, too. Knowing this stuff is very important if you are quality minded.

While I am not posting as much, I am checking in frequently and enjoying checking out the headshots that have already been filed. I am looking forward to seeing what deadline brings.

Oh, and absolutely no flash was used at all for a grab shot of my two kids on the dock at sunset last night. (To see a larger version, click the on the pic.)

Hey, I'm on vacation. I don't have to light anything.


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