OT, But Cool: One Year of Esquire for Less Than a Gallon of Gas

(My other favorite mag is Wired, which you have heard me yammer on about before in this post about photographer Dan Winters.)
Esquire is consistently a great read. Good photography, used well. Funny, literate, alternately sophisticated and down-to-earth. It is basically a monthly instruction manual for being a guy.
Here's another thing I like. They take a lot of chances with new ideas and approaches. So much so that they occasionally fall on their face. It's an admirable quality (the former more than the latter) and one that is rare in the magazine world.
Yeah, there's girls in there, too. (Hi, Angelina...) But that is sufficiently restrained as to carry an appropriate Wife Acceptance Factor. In fact, the missus reads it every month, too. And she has lamented the fact that there is not really a women's magazine equivalent of Esquire.
But here is why bringing it up: Amazon has just stuck it up on the $5.00 instant rebate rack, which drops the price down to $3.00, or just 25 cents an issue.
So, take my advice and forego a cup of coffee today and get Esquire for a whole year instead. You won't regret it. Just hurry up, as the offer expires tomorrow.
(Sorry to dis the international readers again, but this one is U.S. only, too.)
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