UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.


James Balog: Icebergs with Speedlights

Nikon has posted another one of those pieces that show off the capabilities of their CLS system. This time it is natural history photographer James Balog, using multiple SB-800's to shoot icebergs at twilight.

More pics and links after the jump.

Balog is one of those cerebral photographers who always seems to be working on something significant, and I have always enjoyed his approach to lighting. Obviously, the icebergs certainly lend themselves to being shot in such a way as to where you do not have to wade out into the frigid water to adjust the flashes any more than you have to.

The takeaway from this piece (for me) is that more and more of the heavy hitters seem to be using small flashes for their location stuff. Gregory Heisler, long a fan of the large format camera and big strobes, is doing much of his work with a digital EOS and EZ flashes now. Rather than being viewed as a limitation, speedlights are more frequently being seen as a way to accomplish something you simply might not be able to do with big, AC flashes.

:: Stunning Nikon ::
:: James Balog's Website ::


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