UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.


Flash Flavor Test Drives the RadioPopper P1

For those of you following the RadioPopper Availability Slow-Motion Strip Tease:

Matt Adcock has posted the most complete write-up (to date) over on Flash Flavor. Even though he shoots mostly manual, Matt's more comfy with the TTL stuff than I am. So he was able to put it through it's paces better than I ever could.

(Thanks, Matt!)

But wait, there's more:

Hit the jump for a new RP video which includes the above shoot and some outdoor, high-speed sync stuff.

For those of you who signed up on the email list, RadioPopper is now taking (domestic) orders. More info here.


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My new book: The Traveling Photograher's Manifesto
