A Father's Day Reminder: Shoot Your Kids
If you're not, you are in for a treat. Hit the jump for some of his work, links to more and some thoughts on his project.
He has spent the last few years documenting his kids with photos that are beautiful, funny, whimsical and poignant. Dinnertime, sick days, water fights, Christmas -- anything is fair game for one of Jason's photos. Or a little after-the-fact fun with Photoshop to whip up an illustration.
Having a long-term project is the best possible engine for an endless series of ideas and opportunities to make photos and grow as a photographer. And what better project than your kids?
Forgetting for a moment that they are always around and are supposed to do whatever you order them to do, how valuable would a shoe box full of these kinds of photos be to you in twenty years?
But the benefits don't stop there. As a shooter, the experience you gain from shooting regularly just makes you that much better. Little secret: Much of what separates the pro photos from those of amateurs is simply the built-in advantage we have from getting to shoot nearly every day.
Jason shoots for other people, too. The photos on his portfolio site are beautiful. But he also points people to his two blogs -- one devoted to his work and the other to photographs of his daughters.
My guess is, the personal blog gets him as many wedding gigs as the wedding shots do. I'd sure hire him.
I caught up with Jason via an email Q and A this week and he was good enough to share some thoughts on his photo project.
Have you always been a small-flash lighting photographer, or is this something you have moved into more recently?
I've experimented with mono-lights in the past but I always found myself coming back to small and portable speedlites. I haven't had the requirement for the big lights yet, so I'm still sticking with the speedlites for now. OK, who am I kidding.........my wife won't let me spend money on profoto equipment and my kids need to eat so the big lights have been put on the back burner.
When did you get the idea to make your daughters an ongoing, themed project, and what is your goal with the photos?
How do they react to being photographed in such a sophisticated way?
You shoot weddings -- and very well, I might add. Has the experience of shooting your daughters on an ongoing basis changed the way you shoot your other assignments?
Also, seeing folks like Ed Pingol and Matt Adcock rocking the small lights at weddings has really changed my perspective.
How does their mom feel about the photos? What do their friends' parents think? Do you get requests to do those kinds of photos for other people?
I've had requests for these types of stylized shots in the past but turned them down for various reasons. In the recent months, more requests have been coming through and I've been revisiting this as something I'd like to offer, so we'll see.
What advice would you offer photographers who want to start long-term projects of their kids?
Oh, and stock up on Cheerios and Goldfish.
Related Links:
:: Jason's Website ::
:: Jason's Flick Stream ::
:: Photo Set: Kristin ::
:: Photo Set: Kayla ::
:: Photo Set: Sisters ::
:: Dave Black: Workshop at The Ranch ::
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