Win a Free Set of PocketWizards
UPDATE: I asked for a little clarification on the means of off-camera flash trigger allowed for the contest and got the following answer: ANYTHING. That means, PW's, Ebay remotes, sync cords (ironically), Nikon CLS, Canon eTTL, voice-activated test-button-pusher during a time exposure -- ANYTHING.

Yeah, I'm pretty much thinking that headline got your attention. It's Christmas in July, baby, and Santa is bringing the Plus II's. Keep reading after the jump for all of the details...
Flash back a coupla months ago, when the folks at PocketWizard check in to say how much they like what's been going on with this group, and want to know what they could do to help keep the party rolling.
"Weeeell," I suggested, "You could always
And they're like, "Okay, cool."
And I'm like, "Really?"
And they're like, "Really."
So Strobist and PocketWizard are teaming up to do just that. If you did not know already, there is actually a PocketWIzard blog. And it's not one of those stuffed-shirt corporate weenie blogs, either -- they are having some fun with it. They just ran an SI Swimsuit Issue body painting video, for instance.
(Hey, it's legit. Some of those photos were shot with PWs. Right? Right?)
But they've been watching your Strobist videos, too. And even without the benefit of (technically nekkid) supermodels, they like 'em. In fact, they're looking to feature some of 'em up on the PW blog. So they want to prime the pump more wireless flash videos to show off the cool stuff they are doing and help to educate other shooters.
(As if you guys needed any more encouragement...)

Heck, they don't even have to be videos -- still-photo slide shows with voiceovers are eligible, too. Fair warning, you'll probably have to be pretty creative to win one of the sets. But what the heck, you may as well try. You have several chances to win -- the monthly contest runs through November.
To enter, your video needs to be tagged "pocketwizardstrobist" (one word). That's it. Pre-existing videos can be entered simply by adding the tag. (Not yet, Bert, at least finish reading this post first.)
Rules, from PocketWizard:
Once a month, free pair of PW Plus II will be awarded to the best video on YouTube of a photo shoot detailing creative use of wireless triggering. Video can be live video or, a series of still photos with voiceover and clear explanation of how wireless triggering was used.
Creativity with wireless triggering is key to this contest. Show us your best, most creative use of going wireless with radio triggering. And detail, detail, detail! Explain your setup well so everyone can understand what it took to make your vision come alive.
All videos must be tagged "pocketwizardstrobist" to qualify. The judging panel will be David Hobby of Strobist and Phil Bradon from PocketWizard. Awarded PocketWizards will have frequencies appropriate to the winner's location, if winner is in a country other than the US.
In addition, photos may also uploaded to Flickr tagged "pocketwizardstrobist" with link to the YouTube video in the description.
The contest runs mid-July through end of November. Winners will be announced on the 15th of each following month, beginning in August.
That's all there is to it. Good luck!
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