UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.


Lighting 101 PDF Released in Three More Languages

I am happy to announce that, thanks to the generous efforts of a dedicated group of multilingual readers, the Lighting 101 course has now been released into French, Hebrew and Spanish.

Hit the jump for links to the uploaded files, instructions on how to get L101 in other languages -- or maybe even translate it into a new one...

Leading Off -- French

Thanks to the team effort on the French translation project, the L101 French version will thankfully not be a jumble of misconjugated verbs and insulting idioms. My French, she is not so good, non?

These guys did it by committee and were meticulous to a fault. I am told they deliberated over it until the last drop red wine was gone. Such dedication.

Thanks to Jacques, Mélina, Benoit, Charles, Christophe, Laurent and Jon, many hands made light work (owch - that pun physically hurt).

The PDF is available for download here. Not that it has to stay there, either. These PDFs are released for hosting/sharing anywhere, as long as they are unaltered and attribution is maintained.

Batting Left -- Hebrew

Thanks to the one-man translation machine, Tomer Jacobson, Lighting 101 is now available in Hebrew.

I had to hold my laptop up to a mirror to try to make sense of the right-to-left script.

Didn't help! But it looks beautiful and was a lot of effort for one person. You rock, Tomer.

That translation is here. As with the French version, feel free to pass it along anywhere you wish.

And at Clean-Up, Spanish

What else can I say about Rafa Barbera? He has been translating Strobist into Spanish at Strobist en Español since way back. So, naturally he felt he should take on all of the extra L101 translation and PDF formatting all by himself, too.

Having finished this task, he will next be solving the world's economic problems before moving on to single-handedly finding a solution for global warming.

The Lighting 101 PDF in Spanish is here. (Thanks Rafa!)

Remember, a Japanese version is already available (over 4,000 D/L's from the MediaFire site alone) and of course there is an English PDF version, too.

If you want to learn more about the translation projects, start here.

And again -- many, many thanks to all of the people involved.


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