UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.


[OT] PSA: Careful With Those iPhones, People

I will be the first to admit that the iPhone is a great little device for photographers to carry around -- web, phone, portfolio, camera, etc. But they can bring with them a completely new set of dangers. You can be tempted to be shooting pictures when you probably should be concentrating on other things.

Regular readers of Chase Jarvis' blog already know this, but he was recently involved in a minor traffic incident while filming a promo for this Friday's talk at the Art Director's Club of Denver. It was even caught on tape:

As if that is not warning enough to be aware of your surroundings, now McNally is having attention-deficit-related problems, too:

A word to the wise is sufficient: Let's be careful out there, people.

I you are in Denver, head over to the ADCD this Friday. And if you are anywhere else, check out Joe's completely redesigned new website.

Just make sure you look both ways before crossing the street.


:: Chase Jarvis Blog ::
:: Joe's New Digs ::
:: Art Director's Club of Denver ::


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My current project: The Traveling Photograher's Manifesto
