UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.


Nikon Shotguns the Web With Goodness

Hey, you.

If you are a Nikon shooter and use CLS, you definitely want to head over to Nikon's site for three new free lighting vids. Heck, even if you aren't a Nikon type, it's worth the watch for the McNally lighting theory tidbits.

There are three vids so far: here, here and here.

Big props to Nikon USA for moving into high-quality, free instructional video on the web to make their customers better shooters. Every company oughtta be doing this. Really.

Not leaving well enough alone, you can also get Nikon World for free on your iPhone/iPod Touch. And if you are on Twitter, you can follow Nikon there, too.

As for the Canon equivalents, lessee…

Oh yeah: Fake Chuck Westfall is busy on Twitter. Mind those virgin ears, tho (or cubicle passers-by) -- as Chucky frequently uncorks the odd NSFW rant.

(Seriously, if Canon or any of the other major camera manufacturers is doing good quality lighting videos, sound off w/URLs in the comments.)



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