UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.


Home for the Holidays

I am very thankful to not be traveling this Christmas season. And as in years past, I won't be posting between now and the new year, either. What I do hope to be doing is spending as much time as possible with family and friends.

In the meantime, hit the jump for our annual attempt at a Year in Review. And this year we have a little twist…

Normally, I post my favorite ten posts of the year. And indeed, that is just below. But I thought I would turn the tables this year and also include your favorite posts, as evidenced by the number of page views they received.

To be clear, popular section headers such as Lighting 101 and On Assignment are not included. These lists are only from posts written in 2010.

The top three (as picked/clicked by you) will follow the regular top ten.

But before that, some stats. This year, 2,469,886 different photographers dropped by from 218 different countries and territories. They visited for a total of 20,531,296 onsite page views, with another 12MM via RSS. For each of which I am truly grateful.

Not surprisingly, the US was the most visited-from country, followed by Canada (which doesn't really count, 'cause it's, like, attached) and England (despite the obvious language barrier). Together they totaled about 13MM views.

At the other end of the train was Eritrea, with a grand total of (wait for it...) one page view. Thus do we prefer to look at Eritrea as a growth opportunity for Strobist.com.

Thank you all for stopping by.

Over the week between Christmas and New Year's a power-tool-fueled, lighting-related project is brewing in my garage. I hope to by back typing -- with all ten fingers still attached -- shortly after New Year's Day.

That said, here are the favorite posts from 2010.

My Faves

(In no particular order. All will open in a new window, for read-and-close ease of navigation.)

Rocket Fuel for Your Flash
The Stage is Set
What Music can Teach Us About Lighting
100% Grade-A Lighting Gear Porn
On Assignment: Trip Jennings
Shootout in Dubai
Pucker Factor: f/64 -- Photographing Dan Winters
On Assignment: Caleb Jones
Keith Richards is Still Alive
Hops with Hopper

Your Faves, Ranked by Clicks

I hate to even post these, 'cause the subject of #1 is gonna get such a big head. Especially since post #2 is also very related to his post processing. All I can say is thank God post #3 had absolutely nothing at all to do with him.

The top three 2010 posts, in reverse order: #3 | #2 | #1


Merry Christmas (and/or whichever holidays you celebrate) and a luminous New Year to all.

And if you are a rookie reader (yo, catch up, why dontcha) previous EOY lists are here: [ 2008 | 2009 ]

[Ed Note: Comments will be moderated over the break, but I may be a tad slower than normal. Thanks for your understanding.]


New to Strobist? Start here | Or jump right to Lighting 101
Got a question? Hit me on Twitter: @Strobist
My current project: The Traveling Photograher's Manifesto
