UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.


Announcing: BC3:2L

It's been a while since our last lighting Boot Camp, so what the hell. Let's dust off the speedlights and give them a little workout.

As with previous bootcamps, there will be assignments, reviews, people complaining that they can't figure out how to post photos to Flickr -- and, of course, prizes. And given the experience range of readership on the site, we're gonna do something just a little different this time, too. Each assignment will be limited to using a maximum of two speedlights, so a certain someone won't have an undue advantage.

Thus, Boot Camp III: Two Lights, or, BC3:2L.

Speaking of Flickr, if you want to publicly post to the BC3:2L results page, you will need to join Flickr. It is free. Go head and do it now, to give your account long enough to get past any waiting period so you can post to groups, etc.

If your country blocks Flickr, either use Firefox and find an appropriate "unblocker" plug-in, or grab some pine. (That's baseball speak for "sit this one out.")

The first BC3:2L assignment drops later next month.



New to Strobist? Start here | Or jump right to Lighting 101
My new book: The Traveling Photograher's Manifesto
