UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.


BC3 Assignment #2: It's a Local Thing

Keeping with our local theme, Assignment #2 will again focus on your community.

But this time the introverts will be happy, as you will not have to actually talk to any, you know … people.

Assignment #2

For this assignment, you will be required to photograph a local object -- something of significance to your community. As with the first, the most difficult part of the job will be deciding exactly what to shoot -- and why.

Is your region famous for manufacturing something? Do the farmers there grow something that is enjoyed by people far and wide? Is there a physical touchstone or totem that symbolizes your community? A craft? A type of art? An item of historical significance?

Although, please keep the scale manageable. We are talking about an object here. Not, say, a castle or something. (Besides, you might want to pocket that idea for later.)

Tips for Gaining Access

Depending on what you choose to shoot, this could be the toughest part. If you are stretching with this one, you might try developing a relationship with the curators of a desirable subject -- maybe at a small museum, or a historical society, etc.

They have the object, you have the camera -- maybe you can work something out that is mutually beneficial. Be creative.

Stumped? Maybe give a call to the local tourism agency, if you have one. They might have some ideas for you.

Sell an Idea

In the caption, along with the lighting info, etc., state where you are shooting this assignment from and how your subject is tied to your community. It is the nexus that is important.

In other words, don't think of this as just making a photo. Think of it as saying something with your camera. You are creating a focal point; an intersection.

Lighting Tips

Two small lights is not a lot with which to shoot a product shot. But they can be plenty in combination with ambient light.

Is the ambient even and blah? Maybe make it secondary to your flash as key. Does the object blend into the surroundings? Maybe use your flash or flashes as accent(s).

Be creative, but make sure the photo is not just about the light. Light is a tool, not the end-all.

And two lights is enough to do a product or detail shot if you get creative. Off the top of my head, I can remember shooting bees, cake, a jet turbine, pollen and origami chairs with one or two speedlights.


How To Submit

The deadline is Sunday, July 31st, 1700 hours GMT. (That's noon Eastern in the US.)

Very important: When you shoot your photo, also shoot one frame where you include your (or someone else's) hand making a "thumbs up" sign. Hold onto this "code" shot but do not turn it in. If you win, you may be asked to produce this image to show that your shot was not made prior to today.

To submit your photo, you will need to be on Flickr and in the Strobist Group. Tag your photo with the tag "BC32" (do not use the quotes). Submit your photo into the Strobist group. Caption the picture (your location, and the relevance of the object) and -- very important -- also include lighting information in the caption.

Enter only one photo. Please do not tag any other photos BC32 or include that word in the caption or title, so extra photos will not show up in the search.

You can see your submissions and those of others here.

If you have trouble with submitting, tagging, your photo not showing up, please reread the BC3 Introduction Post for help.

Want to discuss it? Trade ideas? Get peer feedback? The BC32 discussion thread is here. And to not split the discussion into two locations, I am closing comments on this post.

Remember, the winner for this assignment gets his or her choice of a Lighting in Layers Boxed DVD Set or a LumoPro LP160 speedlight.

Good luck!


New to Strobist? Start here | Or jump right to Lighting 101
My new book: The Traveling Photograher's Manifesto
