Quick Note: New Formats for Smartphone and RSS
If you follow Strobist via smartphone or RSS reader, keep reading to learn about a couple formatting changes that will affect you.
New Smart Phone Template
Those of you who read the site via smart phone have probably already noticed the swap to the new template. It is white and dead simple, designed for the small screen.
It is shown automatically when you access Strobist with your phone, and tablet users will still get the site's normal interface. Quick tip: When on a post page, you can navigate to the previous or next post by "swiping" in either direction.
Scrapers Kill Full RSS
As of today I have reluctantly switched to partial RSS feeds. This is not something I do lightly, and I apologize for the inconvenience. But the feed from Strobist was being widely republished by various "made for Adsense" scraper sites, which steal the content and republish it -- with lots of text ads, of course.
The move from full to partial feeds will be an inconvenience for some of you, and for that I apologize. Here is an easy workaround.
How to Speed Read Your Feed
A heavy RSS user myself, I keep up with over 100 blogs via Google Reader, my favorite RSS aggregator. By using the "J" and "K" keys for next/previous item, you can scan through dozens of posts in no time flat. And by using tabbed browsing, you simply command-click on something to queue it up to read in full in another tab.
I then scan or read each post at the source, using command-W to close each window as I finish each piece.
Thanks much for your understanding. Unless you are a content scraper site. In which case, bite me.
New Smart Phone Template

It is shown automatically when you access Strobist with your phone, and tablet users will still get the site's normal interface. Quick tip: When on a post page, you can navigate to the previous or next post by "swiping" in either direction.
Scrapers Kill Full RSS
As of today I have reluctantly switched to partial RSS feeds. This is not something I do lightly, and I apologize for the inconvenience. But the feed from Strobist was being widely republished by various "made for Adsense" scraper sites, which steal the content and republish it -- with lots of text ads, of course.
The move from full to partial feeds will be an inconvenience for some of you, and for that I apologize. Here is an easy workaround.
How to Speed Read Your Feed
A heavy RSS user myself, I keep up with over 100 blogs via Google Reader, my favorite RSS aggregator. By using the "J" and "K" keys for next/previous item, you can scan through dozens of posts in no time flat. And by using tabbed browsing, you simply command-click on something to queue it up to read in full in another tab.
I then scan or read each post at the source, using command-W to close each window as I finish each piece.
Thanks much for your understanding. Unless you are a content scraper site. In which case, bite me.
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