Layer Slayer Dave Hill Peels the Onion at Valio Con

It's a straight video grab from the conference room, so there is no contrast in the images. But still, great stuff. In the full-length vid after the jump, Dave talks about bootstrapping, five-finger optical discounts at prop shops, hand drawing curly beards on dudes in Photoshop and even his very first composite portrait.
Okay, so first off: I always wondered what his Adventure Girl series was for. I assumed he was shooting stills for an upcoming TV series or something. Nope. it was created whole cloth and bootstrapped by Dave -- a personal project.
There a ton of good stuff in here on his creative workflow, general and specifics. It's easy to think he's just sitting around throwing lots of money and resources at these projects. But mostly, it's creativity and stone soup.
The presentation was part of Valio Con, which focuses on web design and development. Many thanks to them for putting the vids online. You can see several more of the other 2011 speakers here. And if you are local to San Diego, they are doing another one in June.
Also, as a workaround for the the flat imagery in the video, you might want to open up Dave's final images from the series in a separate browser window.
(Thanks for the tip, Jon!)
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