UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.


Today on the Lighting Porn Channel…

…photographer Amber Gray shows us how to stop wasting so much time on retouching. All it takes is the right lighting gear.

The Broncolor setup will set you back, oh, about twenty grand by the time you are done buying the pack, head and Para reflector. But think of the time you'll save at the retouching station!

Basically the video should be titled, Just Stick This Bad Boy Behind You and You Can't Lose!

They even show you how to open it in a smoke-filled room, should the need ever arise. (Nice smoke, Broncolor. But no one out-lighting-porns the folks over at Briese.)

Amber Gray even goes as far as to play the Desert Island card:
"If I were to be stranded on a desert island with one light shaper … (and packs, and, you know, a generator) … it would be the Para."

Um, yeah, Amber. 'Cause I'm thinking that thing would also make a pretty good boat.


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My new book: The Traveling Photograher's Manifesto
