UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.


Is This the Future of Umbrellas?

See this umbrella? It's very different than the typical reflector in one very specific way. And it's being touted as being way better for digital sensors.

Can you tell what's different about it? Probably not without looking at it close-up…


I'll preface this by saying I can't figure out whether this is sound math and genius, or total snake oil with just enough of a truth base to sell the story. Here it is up close:

It's being sold as a much better modifier for digital, because rather than a full process white it (supposedly) reflects a tri-peaked histogram or red, green and blue. Just like the RGB pixels in your Bayer-array sensors.

I am kinda on the fence about it, myself. Haven't seen any side-by-side comparisons (I know, red flag right?) so who's to say. Seems logical enough, though.

It's from a company called B2Pro, and there's a sparse page on it here.

No price yet, that I can see. (If you have to ask…)

Snake oil or not, you have to give them credit for the (patented, natch) concept being interesting enough to make you wonder. As for myself, I'll wait for the awesome side-by-side comparisons to come in before going any further.

Interestingly, there was an almost zero-information reference to a similar tech on Borkded.com about a year ago. Looks different—like a prototype or something.

So, cool science or snake oil? I dunno. What do you think?

Thanks to Don for the tip.


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