Inspiration: Atbin Eslami's Video Bio

Such a simple idea, and not so difficult to do—unless you count all of the self-inspection it will require. Iranian-born (now in Dubai) photographer Atbin Eslami's video-bio of herself first made me think, "that's really cool."
And second, "Why haven't I done that?"
Here's the video, done mostly with stills and voice-overs. There is a little 2nd-person video, too, but nothing technically fancy. So it is something that many photographers could create themselves as far as degree of difficulty is concerned.
Eslami also includes a musical spine underneath, which adds cohesion and helps to evoke a sense of mystery. It's atypical, beautiful and compelling.
I have seen interviews of photographers done in a similar, if more structured, fashion. The agency Redux did a series on their shooters and we featured the one on Kevin Cooley a few years back.
But are there other self-produced video bios/art flicks out there like Eslami's? Or is she creating a new genre as she goes? Either way, I loved this and felt that I got a strong sense of who she is both as a person and a photographer.
If you know of others like this, please give me a shout on Twitter at @Strobist. If they are particularly good I will echo them here.
And obviously, if the video above tweaks your interest pay a visit to Atbin Eslami's website to see more of her work.
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