UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.


Heading to NYC for PhotoShelter Meet on Friday

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If you want to attend the New York City PhotoShelter Town Hall Meeting on Friday, better hurry up and register. There are only 50 39 seats left.

I'll be there. Look for someone who looks like a cross between Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise, only shorter, heavier and far less attractive. I'll be wearing a What The Duck T-shirt and nothing else.

Please say 'hi' if you run into me. I would say 'hi' first, but I do not know what you look like. Remember, Chase Jarvis will be speaking there, so we can make faces from the back of the room.

Lookin' like some fun.


New to Strobist? Start here | Or jump right to Lighting 101
Got a question? Hit me on Twitter: @Strobist
My current project: The Traveling Photograher's Manifesto
