UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.


Strobist Video Vault

Over the last nine years many cool videos have graced the pages of Strobist.com. Here, in the order in which they originally appeared, are the Top 100.

Windows open in tabs for easier multi-video browsing:

Michael Grecco Photographs Martin Scorsese
Time-Lapse: Photographing 2-D Art
DIY, On-The-Road Laptop Vault
Strobist Reader George Aye's Awesome Engagement
Time Lapse: Single-Speedlight Car Shoot
"What The Duck" Macy's Float Escapes
McNally vs. The Empire State Building
Robert Rodriguez: Master Cheap-Ass Filmmaker
Martin Prihoda Photographs Delerium
Mayan Bat-Cave Trash The Dress
McNally at Google: Over ONE HOUR
Interview: Platon Shoots Putin for TIME POY
McNally. Middle Eastern desert. Tree of Woe.
Pranking Tourists With a Speedlight
How to PocketWizard a Remote Camera
Ovation Close-Up: Gregory Crewdson
Ovation TV: Timothy Greenfield-Sanders
Martin Schoeller: Female Bodybuilders
Steve E. Miller's Mortal Arts Portfolio
Dean Collins on 3-D Contrast
Chase Jarvis' Time-Bending Kung Fu Shoot
Nick Turpin's Mystery Writer Street Shoot
Time Lapse: Greg Funnel Shoots Colin Firth
McNally: Nikon CLS Gag Reel
Nick Turpin: Street Fashion with Speedlights
Bert Stephani's 800-Person Group Shot
Drew Gardner's Naked Water Buffalo
How to Shoot Street Portraits
Creative Light Launches in Style
Yuri Arcurs: "Mr. MicroStock"
Alexx Henry's (creepy) Moving Movie Promos
10 FPS Still Photo Music Video
Dean Collins' Epic Yamaha 8x10 Shoot
Dan Winters on Subject Interaction
B O U N C E M A N !
Finn O'Hara's Toronto Maple Leaf Shoot
Epic Dean Collins 5-Min Airport Annual Report
Kevin Cooley's Scrounged Light
And Now, a Little Briese Porn
Buffalo Wild Wings' FLASH COMMERCIAL
Michael Grecco Shoots Will Farrell
The 2010 GPP Shootout Video
Dave Hill Verizon Shoot BTS
High-End, Light-Painted Booze Photography
Greg Heisler Shoots Bruce Springsteen
ANNIE-TATED: Leibovitz Shoots Keith Richards
Awesome Light-Painted Battle Sequence
Superlight Tent-Pole Light Stands
Greg Heisler Shoots Derek Jeter
Greg Heisler: Giuliani TIME POY Cover
ThinkTank Lighting Case Porn
Profoto Burns a Logo Into Your Retinas
Dave Black's TTL Octo-Flash
Matthew Jordan Smith Puts a Ring on Tyra
Yuri Arcurs' Studio Will Make You Throw Up
Mad Men Engagement Shoot
Andrew Zuckerman on Project Design
The 2011 GPP Shootout
Insane, On-Camera Flash Japanese (duh) Music Vid
Dave Hill's Layer Expansion Vid Will Blow Your Mind
Jay P. Morgan's Volume Goes to Eleven
Robert Caplin's LED Food Shoots
David Myrick's Twice-Baked Portraits
NSFW-y Naked Underwear Shoot
A Master Class in Messi Light
Chris Buck on Subject Interaction
Interview With the Father of Environmental Portraiture
Michael Grecco's Head In a Box
Awesome Long-Form Show on Avedon
George Holz Shoots Queen Bee
Peter Hapak's Protesters, for TIME
Layer-Slayer Dave Hill: Long-Form Talk
High-Rent Cat Fight: Profot vs. Broncolor
Einstein Answers Back for Pennies
BrakhaX2's Super Creative Mondays
2012 GPP Shootout
Broncolor Lighting Porn
Awesome: Taryn Simon's Secret Sites
Jay P. Morgan: Corporate Portrait Primer
Remote Control Manual Flash Hack
Nadav Kander on Portraiture
Zack Arias: Cheap Camera Challenge
Martin Schoeller Shoots Ryan Lochte for TIME
Depth of Speed: High Mileage
ANNIE-TATED: Leibovitz Shoots Rihanna
David Hobby: Cheap Camera Challenge
AurumLight: Mixing Flash and Modeling Lights
Jay P. Morgan: Feathering Grids
JP Danko's Awesome Underwater TTL Remotes
Greg Heisler Shoots Arafat for TIME
Heisler's "Pool Shark" TIME Cover
2013 GPP Shootout
Heisler Shoots Alonzo Mourning
Heisler: Bono and the Gateses
Low-Budget Win: Pentatonix' Daft Punk
2014 Gulf PhotoPlus Shootout Video
Inspiration: Atbin Eslami's Video Bio
The Secret(s) of Alexis Cuarezma's Success


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Got a question? Hit me on Twitter: @Strobist
My current project: The Traveling Photograher's Manifesto
