UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.


Lighting 101 in German and Polish, And a Solution for Blogger-Blocked China

Two more lovingly, hand-translated Lighting 101 .pdfs are linked after the jump. And in addition, a solution for readers in China, where the entire blogger platform is blocked in most areas.

Dziękuję, and Danke!

Polish is long overdue (these guys have been done for a while now) but I try to gang up language release posts for efficiency.

Thanks to the polish translation team of Piotr Bizior, Bernard, Norbert Dąbkowsk, Michał Dulemba, Maciej Gajewski, Robert Grubba, Tomasz Kołtys, Adam Mikosz, Marcin Retecki, Jarosław Sikora, Piotr Slopnicki and Paweł "Chińczyk" Zapiór, Lighting 101 is now available as a .pdf, here.

The German team wrapped up their translation last month, thanks to the efforts of Carsten Arnold, Martin D., Nina Miller, Gerd Orfey, Danish Puthan Valiyandi, Nicolai Wiegand, Albert Bloch and Jens Aue. You get download it here.

Strobist Lighting 101 .pdfs are available in English, French, Hebrew, Spanish and Japanese.

That last link, to the Japanese version, also contains info on how to help translate L101 into other languages. All of the .pdfs are free, and you are free to post them on other sites as long as you do not alter or sell them.

Making Strobist Accessible to China

Sadly, China is prone to block the Blogger platform (upon which Strobist publishes) for political reasons. We are not big into politics around here, but neither do we see that as a reason to deny people lighting info.

I have partnered with Strobist reader Andrew Strauss, who is building a Chinese version of Strobist. It is a work in progress, but I hope that you will help spread the word if you hang out in places on the web where Chinese is spoken.

To help avoid some unnecessary emails, please do not read this as a solicitation for other language partnerships at this time. I am pedaling as fast as I can, and trying to do this in a deliberate, sustainable way.

Thanks for understanding. And even more, thanks for the translation efforts on the part of Strobist readers. Your multilingual talents make this info accessible to many more people.


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