UPDATE: Strobist was archived in 2021.
Here is what I am up to now.


Another Year Passes in a Flash

The last week of the year is special, and one to be taken advantage of. I spend it balancing time between family/friends and looking back at the past year while preparing for the next one.

There are some cool things lined up for 2012 already, but today's post is about looking back. Herewith, the favorite posts of 2011 -- mine, and yours...

2011: My Faves

1. Grabbing the last bit of ambient to freeze a flying Yezek.

2. Everyone's a critic. Here's how to deal with them.

3. A case study in creating a stopper for your portfolio.

4. A living legend pwns two punks in the desert.

5. They are going to ask you this. How you respond makes all of the difference.

6. Controlling a large scene with two speedlights.

7. Chris Waind's epic symphonic compositions.

8. A fill light fit for a queen.

9. Proof that the Einsteins can hang with the big dawgs.

10. Imitation as a path to innovation.

2011: Your Faves

Starting a couple of years ago, I began to include in the end-of-year list your favorite posts -- or at least your most-read ones. These are straight out of my Google Analytics reports, and only include posts written in 2011. (Otherwise the Lighting 101 series would dominate this every year, with over 3,500 people starting that course every day.)

So in reverse order, here are your most-read posts of 2011:

Third place: Mike Kelley works large-scale magic with a speedlight, time and lots of Photoshop layers.

Second place: The only post which made both lists.

First place: Wherein your status as a group of gear heads is confirmed.

Whether through the blog, via Twitter or in person, thanks for all of the fun and camaraderie in 2011.

We'll see you in a few days. Don't celebrate too hard this Saturday night.


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My new book: The Traveling Photograher's Manifesto
